Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The Glass Is Half Full

Tomorrow I will go in for my fourth chemotherapy treatment. This is great news because it marks the half way point of my chemo. Horray!! There has been no shortage of little miracles happening in my life since this journey started and I can tell there are many more to come. I am so very grateful for everything people have done for me! I don't know how to express to all of you how amazingly kind and loving people have been to me. All I can say is God is great!! Even complete strangers who have never met me have offered donations and prayers and kindness!! I am so excited for this spaghetti dinner on the 16th!! It is going to be a day I will remember for my whole life.

I heart is bursting with love for all of you and I cannot wait for the day I can make a difference in all of your lives the same way all of you have made a difference in mine.

 God's given me an army to help me fight this sickness and Cancer has no chance!!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Dreams: They get older too....

Isn't weird to think of how much your hopes and dreams have changed since you were a child or even since you were a teenager or closer yet, how they change from year to year as an adult. I've been thinking about dreams lately. It amazes to me how different my dreams have become now that I'm older and wiser. As a child I had very simple dreams; I wanna be a firefighter, I wanna play baseball, i want a new bike. As a teenager I had much larger aspirations; I want to be famous, i want to change the world, i want to be rich. Well I'm 0/3 so far on those but you never know i think my modeling career is gonna take off soon haha.

Now that i'm older and wiser i realize that my dreams have become much more simple and quite reachable within my lifetime. For one I want to marry Liz and live happily ever after. That journy begins in decemeber and i cant wait for it. Second, I want my actions and words to be a blessing to others. I want God to use my testemony and story to help people find the change and happiness they need in their lives. Third, I want to have children, this could be difficult because hodgkins lymphoma often leaves men sterile after treatment. I pray more than anything that God's plan for me involves healthy children. Fourth, I want to be cancer free.
That sounds simple enough.

In less serious, less emotional news. The Tigers start their season on thursday at 1pm. I can't wait!! They are going to be contenders this year. Hopefully I'll be able to make it down to see a couple of games this summer. Once again I'd like to thank all of you for the termendous support you have all given me!! I feel like I have an army behind me helping me fight this thing!!

Just a reminder: This saturday there is a jewelry party benefit from 6:30 to 9:30 at the Midland Resort (old holiday inn) room 112 i think.
Also there will be a spaghetti dinner benefit on april 16th from 3 to 7 at Messiah Lutheran Church. There is going to be a large silient auction too with some amazing stuff being auctioned off.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Round 3: Ding Ding

Yesterday was my 3rd chemotherapy treatment. It is never a fun thing and saying that it doesn't feel good is an understatement. There is good news though, my Doctor said that my bloodwork looks wonderful, my white blood cell count is stable and my uric acid levels show all the right signs that the chemotherapy is destroying the cancer cells!! After my next treatment in 2 weeks I will have a PET/CAT scan to find out how successful the chemo is thus far. God has worked many miracles in my life recentely and I have no doubt there are many more. Prayer and Faith can take you anywhere your heart desires!!

Monday, March 21, 2011

The good, the bad, the Monday

Today I woke up feeling wonderful. I'm glad that through this process there have been a few days that I've felt normal. There are a lot of things going on in my life that I am excited for!!! Coming up on April 2nd there is a Jewelry Party Fundraiser to help raise money to pay for some of my medical bills. I am very thankful to everyone who has put this party together it really means a lot to me.

I've been thinking a lot lately about how lucky I have been through this whole process. I am not a lucky person by default, I know that it's all part of a master plan!! On April 16th there will be a spagetti dinner fundraiser from 3 to 7. It will be held at Messiah Lutheran Church. Like I said above I am really lucky and might be able to pay nearly all my medical bills with a good turnout.

Even more exciting than that is the opportunity I will have to share my story with what could be hundreds people at this fundraiser!!! This is an amazing chance for me to do what I feel has been God's plan for my cancer all along! I will tell people of an amazing love, a relentless peace, and a healing that began in my soul and will end with me being cancer free!!!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Happy St. Patricks Day

Wow its so warm out today!! I am getting very excited for spring. I am not excited about the lady bugs however.  They seem to come out of nowhere and infest every inch of our house. There is nothing worse than waking up to a lady bug crawling on your face. They smell so bad. Although spring brings out the lady bugs i still like it. It's nice to be able to get outside in the sun and enjoy the outdoors.

God continue to works wonders in my life. I feel like God sometimes introduces us to trials in our life, not as a test, but, as a wake up call. I've got to tell you i feel pretty awake. It's easy to forget what is important in life, God knows I have. When this life is over we won't be able to take anything with us but our souls and the investments we've made in being good stewards of Christ. I'm excited everyday to be a blessing to as many people as I can.

Take the time everyday to make someones day, I promise you that there will be a day that you will need someone else to make yours. Love and kindness are contageous and those are two things I think we all can afford to catch!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Good Morning!

I woke up this morning before the sun, it's been a rough few days, the second round of chemo affected me much differently than the first. I have been sleeping quite a bit, I would say at least 16 hours a day. Crazy. With all this "beauty sleep" I may have to take up modeling. Haha

Liz and I went over some of our wedding planning yesterday. It makes me happy to think that in less than 9 months I will marry her! I love her very much and can't imagine a happier life than the one we will spend together!

My next chemo is a week from this thursday and is number 3 out of 8 treatments. My last treatment is scheduled for June 2nd. From there I will have some tests done to make sure that the chemo was successful and then it will be on to Radiation therapy. We are hoping radiation will only be for 4 weeks which means I could be done with all treatment by late in July or early in August. It seems so easy on paper. Lol. There is still a ways to go, but God knows the plan and I just have to follow it the best I can. He knows my heart and has changed it for the better for that I am thankful!!

Saturday, March 12, 2011


Hi everyone, I created a blog so that I can document how being sick has been and is affecting my life. For those of who don't know I was diagnosed with stage 2 Hodgkins Lymphoma. Lymphoma is a cancer that is in your lymphatic system. It affects the bodies ability to remove waste from your body and also affects areas of the body ranging from the neck, cheast, arm pits, sturnum, and reproductive areas. My prognosis is excellent!! The doctor is even using the word cure.

I feel that I have been given a real wake up call. God works in mysterious ways sometimes and even though my family, friends, and I have had to go through a lot of hurt through this process God has always had a plan. I have never felt closer to God as I have in the past few months and give him praise for showing his unending love and grace!!

It is in most heartbreaking and difficult times in our lives that the scope and warmth of human compassion and love can be found! I have been so blessed with the overwhelming support and love I have been shown by so many people! I am truly thankful for all of you who have stuck by me in these hard times! I can't tell you all thank you enough for everything you've done!!